A review by midnighterbae
Batman: Earth One Vol. 1 by Geoff Johns


Definitely better than Superman: Earth One, this is DC's version of the Ultimate Universe. I enjoyed the cinematic panels of Gary Frank, and his fight scenes were riveting. However,some of his figures needed improvement. Batman is a lot more "human" in this story and makes many mistakes but hopefully there will be sequels that show him mature into the Dark Knight we see in the Scott Snyder comics. Even with Batman's weaknesses, Johns does a great job fleshing out the supporting characters. Jim Gordon gets the best story arc by far, and Alfred is re-imagined as Thomas Wayne's friend from the army, who actually teaches Batman how to fight and gives him purpose. Even Harvey Bullock was an interesting character as a "celebrity" cop who is surprised by the crime and corruption of Gotham. The plot is a solid detective story with flashbacks to Bruce's past, and even threads for later storylines. All in all, this the best Batman "origin" story since Batman: Year One and is good for comic fans and people who are just familiar with the character through the films. But there are differences...