A review by bookshelfjpg
This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens


I was looking for a book that felt very holiday-ish so when I saw this one sitting on the shelf at the library, I jumped at it.

Things I Liked:
- How the New Years storyline centered around the bad luck and "hoax" instead of a fresh start feel that books tend to hold on to
- The chapters jumping around in time for backstory and context. Although, yeah it was a little confusing to follow at times, I enjoyed how the timeline of the story itself seemed realistic by jumping months/weeks ahead at some points
- THE HAPPENINGS. I'm a sucker for a fate-filled book where the characters keep having near-misses of interactions throughout their lives. This was fun in this one and helped fill in gaps in each character's life. Easily my favorite part about this book.

My "eh" moments: the lack of excitement I felt towards the story and the lack of chemistry the characters seemed to have at points. This was a cute, seasonal read but it left me wanting a little more on the end.