A review by benlundns
Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists by J.K. Rowling


*Copied from the other short story review, because it's pretty much the same with a few tweaks.*
I think Rowling has forgotten what "story" means. See a Story has a beginning "Once upon a time", or "It was a dark and stormy night", are both popular, but it could also just be "Last Tuesday". Then, following a narrative, the main character is introduces, and events will occur, sometimes several over the course of the story. Finally a climax, which is the crux of every story, followed by a wind down. "Happily ever after" is optional.
We get none of this here. We get a name, a list of facts, and a short bio of said name. Bleh. A few years ago, Rowling released, online, and short story of Harry and Ron meeting up for the Quiddich cup, years after the events in the original books, just a couple of pages telling us how characters we loved and grew up with are doing. I would have been happy with that, 2 or 3 STORIES about the character before or after we meet them in the books.
Who wouldn't want to know more about Dolores Umbridge? What was she doing before she came to Hogwarts, how did she become who she is? The book answers some of that, but on a very surface level, while I feel a story would have given us more information and feelings. Presenting dry facts misses out on that. What are Dementors exactly, where do they come from? Tell me about the people who escaped from Azkaban and why they were the very few who could manage it.
Sad, sad, sad and a wasted opportunity to inject life into characters we know so little about
I gave it two stars because while still lacking any actual stories, the information about some of the characters was actually interesting.