A review by booksandladders
Dark Avenging Angel by Catherine Cavendish


This review was originally posted on Books and Ladders

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I'm not going to lie, that was the weirdest thing I have ever read. Like good weird until the very end.

Jane lived a pretty crappy life. I don't begrudge her for her choices because in similar circumstances I would have done the same thing. But at about 54% of the way through, every single character in the book seemed to collectively lose their humanity. I understand that it was a bad world and that it was difficult for women to make their way in the working world while Jane was growing up and becoming a notable woman in the workforce. But it seemed like the characters did a 180 after Stuart and Jane have their scene in the photocopy room.

And I get it, not everyone is what they seem but for Jane to be able to have three people in her life who deserved to die this horrendous death seemed a little far fetched to me. It was too convenient that all these things happened in her life and she got off scot-free. I think the dreams is where it got a bit murky for me. They didn't seem to add up to what I was anticipating and didn't really add a lot to the story imo. Except when we got the semi-info dump at the end to explain everything under the sun. It was almost as if the author wanted to make sure the reader understood all the foreshadowing and little hints that had been dropped along the way and came to the "right" conclusion. Which is fine, it's always good to confirm. I just wasn't a fan of the way it was actually done.

Otherwise, this was one hell of a ride and I was completely enthralled. It was a definite page turner and if you want something that will keep you interested and turning the pages until the very end, I would pick this one up.

Overall: 3.5/5 stars. I'm not sure what to think tbh but I did enjoy it.