A review by ac223
The Gamble by Kristen Ashley


The Gamble is fantastic!! I looked like an idiot last night, sitting on the porch at 2am, crying my eyes out, and chain smoking... <3 it!
Nina's parents split up when she was very young. Her father went back to England, and her mother raised her in the states. At age seven, her father was remarried, having another child, and wanted Nina to be a part of her siblings life. Though she doesn't much care for her dad, her brother Charlie and her were very close. After losing his legs fighting in a war, wheelchair bound, he gave up and committed suicide. Nina's history with bad men, and her brothers death, all led her straight to Niles. Niles is safe, smart, wealthy, he doesn't show feelings or emotion, but he is dependable. While engaged to be married she knows that something is missing, and decides to take a couple of weeks timeout in the Colorado mountains to think things over. After a full days worth of travel, she arrives at her destination, in a snowstorm, and coming down with the flu. She assumes the gorgeous man at the house is there to let her in. Max owns the home she rented, and is usually working out of town. A mix up with the dates, leaves him at home, and her no place to go.
Nina is awesome, you can't help but to love her. She is kind, caring, and a force to be reckoned with if you even think of hurting her or someone she loves. Max, oh gawd.. He is a manly man, gorgeous, and used to giving orders. When Nina throws a fit, and calls him on it he is stunned.
The Gamble takes place over a two week time frame, and includes love, loss, jealousy, disappointment, and happiness. All of the emotions transfer to the reader easily, leaving you feeling like you just got off an emotional roller coaster. I couldn't put it down!! Loved it!

***********************Spoilers/ Recap*********************
Nina and Max fight, a lot. The fire, and passion is something she has never had with Niles, but behind all of the macho mountain man facade, Max is amazing. Nina's first two days in Colorado she is sick with the flu, tough guy Max makes sure that she is taken care of. He remembers how she takes her coffee, after being told only once, something Niles still doesn't know after several years. He remembers things she says, takes care of her, and protects her. He was married young to Anna, and loved her more than anything. When she was killed in a car accident, ten years before he thought he would never love again. While dealing with their meeting, falling in love etc. (which I would normally say is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous after only two weeks) you meet the townspeople of Gnaw Bone. Yes that is actually the name of the town. Like any small town in America, everyone loves fiercely, but gossips like no other. Max's best friend Brody, and his sister Mindy are like his own siblings. When Mindy is raped, and her asshole boyfriend won't let it go he takes it upon himself to move her out. Becca is Mindy's best friend. Shauna, Max's ex is a whore, trying to latch herself to the next man willing an able to support her habit of living the high life. When Max made it clear it wasn't him she went after Curtis Dodd, the local bigwig, married bigwig. Curtis turns up murdered, his wife out of town, and Shauna calling it in to the police. Throughout the book the police are trying to solve the murders, Mindy is dealing with the aftermath of being raped, and Nina is up to her ears in it. She takes on Mindy, only shortly after meeting her, and does her best to get her through it. Curtis was driving the vehicle the night Anna died, his wife Bitsy lost her legs. At the end it comes out that Bitsy, and her secret lover, who happens to be her ex boyfriend have been planning the whole thing for years. The prolouge shows Nina, and Max married, with a son Charlie, and a baby on the way. Definitely a must read!