A review by natyweiss
When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain


-ARC provided by publisher in exchange for honest review-

When Anna Hart , a missing persons detective, comes back to Mendocino (the place where she grew up in with her foster parents), escaping her own traumas, she finds herself deeply involved in a series of dissapearance cases and, faithful to her style, obsessed with them.
Her personal life is paved with loss and tragedy. This allows her to identify with the victims and try to identify that common point in their stories that makes them so vulnerable to the charms of a certain type of predator.
The book is a Thriller but it is also a moving and thought provoking novel about vulnerability and sorrow.
Anna's feelings are raw, pushing to surface. She seems to be permanently on the edge of the abyss, contemplating his own suffering in the mirror of the suffering of others. This, added to the beautiful prose of Paula McLain, cannot but move the reader, who joins Anna and the young victims in their demand for justice.
Very touching and twisty. I would highly recommend this book