A review by tsukikomew
Hledání vytouženého dne by Jennifer Probst


This review was posted at Tsuki’s Book Blog on October 6, 2013.

Last year I tried Ms. Probst's Marriage to a Billionaire series. While I enjoyed the first one and own the other three, I haven't gone back to them yet. I keep meaning to but other books, galleys, and projects keep getting in the way. When I saw this one floating around online, I was really pleased by the premise. It has a hint of paranormal, witchy elements without being 'here's a witch' about it. I really liked that and I was so excited to read it, I started it right after downloading.

Kate has the touch. When she touches two people can she feel their chemistry and know if it will work out. While she hates her ability, she uses it on occasion around people in her business. Kate's a matchmaker with her two best friends (sequel fodder) and when she gets a brand-new client, her client's brother jumps in screaming fraud. Slade, a divorce attorney, doesn't believe in love or matchmaking. When Kate won't terminate his sister's contract, he signs up to prove she's a fraud. Soon sparks are flying when Kate and Slade 'aren't' falling in love.

I really liked Kate. She was the kind of woman I could identify with but also aspire to. She had a budding business, a stable homelife, but she wanted love and commitment. She wanted someone to accept all of her yet respect her desires. I loved her outlook on life and how she was a huge softie, but also knew when to put her foot down. I loved her dog, Robert, who had to use a scooter to go outside. The fact she took him in and loved him was just breathtaking. I love my dog and I just loved seeing that love in front me in a book.

Slade was hot! Okay that's not the best selling point in the end but he was! I loved having a guy who fundamentally didn't believe in love, falling in love obviously and denying it. It was so funny to see him time and time again discount love while he was clearly in love with Kate. He loved his sister and giving back to people in his career and that made him such an awesome hero.

There was this scene I thought had the potential for such a hot, hot, hot erotic scene, I'm still thinking about it days later. In the scene Slade went to an exercise class with Kate, her friend, and two other guys. It was a hot yoga class and there were all these sweaty guys and contortions and such. First kiss alert! At the same time I was like "Have sex on a mat! Have sex on a mat!" It was just so damn sexy and I wanted more and more and more. I actually had to remind myself this was Jennifer Probst, not Jeffe Kennedy (seriously check this woman's sex scenes!). I just wanted a blow out hot, sweaty sex.

I love it when books sort of inject magic and wonder into situations that don't necessarily need them. There wasn't life or death situations or vampires running around. It was just simple magic infused into an otherwise Contemporary work. The addition of Kate's ability of touch was something I wish had been integrated deeper into the original series. The series did connect at a friend party and I really wish Kate had been deeply involved before now. I love simple magic and having her lose it after denying Slade as her 'one' was so deeply metaphorical, I just loved it. The idea of the loss of something so inherently a part of her due to her denying a physical part of her "Slade" was interesting and touching at the same time. I loved the play.

This was an excellent beginning to a series and it blew my mind. The romance was pure magic and I couldn't wait to see how the actual magic would make a contemporary story more wonderous. I think this is a great romance for anyone to read. It's not bogged down with heavy mythology or simple cuteness. I think it is totally worth checking out and it is one of my top picks (thus far) for October. It's going to be hard to beat in Contemporary romances with a magic twist.

4 Stars
Published by Simon and Schuster
November 24, 2013
384 Pages
Provided by--NetGalley