A review by uhmjolene
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare


i am aware this is YA so i really should expect it, but so many of the characters in this book were deeply childish. i found the book difficult to read whenever simon had any dialogue at all. clary can also be quite annoying at times. still, i'm hoping that'll dissipate a bit when she gets her bearings in a new world she was unfamiliar with in the next books. her unwarranted confidence and constant misunderstanding of everything around her can be very irritating, even if it is understandable and does give the reader a lens to look through that is as new to this world as we are ourselves. jace and alec are the better characters in this book to me. they seem much more human and multidimensional than others.

all that being said, i enjoyed the book. the writing made this book really easy to pick up and read without getting sick of it. the pacing was good and i got quite a few chuckles out of the humour, jace's especially. his perspective at the end of the book also seemed the most well-written and enjoyable part of the whole book to me. it made me wish this book was dual-pov, which i usually dislike. how terrible that i have to enjoy a blonde love interest character (sort of). which brings me to the twist. the twist is just disturbing and it makes for an arc that i can already play out in my head, but i'm not too mad at it. it's just weird.

overall, i enjoyed the book and that's what matters. it is not without its flaws but i'll probably read the whole mortal instruments series either way. this book just read away like it was nothing.