A review by bookaddict827
No Way Home by Jody Feldman


Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Fire, and Jody Feldman for the ARC of this book!

Tess Alessandro, from Washington D.C., was selected for a summer exchange program in Rome, Italy. She talks with Sofie and her host family before she goes to Rome, meets Sofie when she arrives in the U.S. When she arrives in Italy, her host family takes her sight seeing. Everything seems like a dream. Until it’s not. Until her host parents and their daughter tell her that she needs to do exactly what she is told, or Sofie will kill her parents. Her host parents have taken her passport, her credit card, and force her to commit a series of crimes. Tess works to figure out their end game and a way to get out of this mess, but can she do it?

An on the edge of your seat, suspenseful novel! I was able to feel my heart rapidly beating in my chest reading this! I really enjoyed the very intriguing concept of this book. The descriptions of Italy were amazing, it brought me right back there and I could visualize places in the book easily. This book is not dialogue heavy, it’s very inner monologue heavy, which I don’t normally like, but wasn’t bad in this book. The ending did feel a little rushed, but it did leave me wanting more. I really hope the author turns this into a small series, or at least gives us a sequel!