A review by lookingforamandaa
Goblin King by Kara Barbieri


While I liked this book better than the first, the ending really stole some of the enjoyment for me. I liked Janneke in this book. She's really showing how much progress she's made healing from the horrors of her past. This especially is shown when Sorren is permanently injured and she has to be for him what he was when she was first healing. I really enjoyed this role reversal. I also liked the quest these characters were on. Janneke is hearing Lydian in her head and he's warning her that the world may end unless she stops it. So, Janneke and her friends, plus Sorren go off to complete an impossible task. But the synopsis made it sound like this was the final book. It wasn't. The epilogue made it clear that there has to be another book, but there's no information about this next book. There's just something that changes for me when I'm thinking this will wrap everything up and that doesn't happen. I definitely would still recommend this series to those that like darker fantasy. I also loved the Norse mythology that the world is based on (also very glad I just read the Magnus Chase books or else I would have had no idea about the world because not much of it is explained.) Overall, I liked it. It was entertaining while also covering tough topics.