A review by zare_i
The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick


Well this was weird but fantastic book. First of all if you are not familiar with Philip K. Dick's books you might start with something easier (to be honest I find all of his books very easy to read but you might try his short stories first to see if you will like them) - works of this author are very psychedelic but ultimately coherent and easy to follow (at least for me :)).

Book is allegory on spiritual awakening of human society after millennia spent in the prison of purely materialist view of the world. Presenting human institutions (be it religious or secular - both bent on control and nothing else) as elements that have put ordinary man under oppression author gives us a story of spiritual awakening, return of the man to something more, to knowledge of universe that was once available to humankind but lost when people decided to accept only material.

Lots of things are mixed up here, alternate realities, religion and philosophy, strange deities that exist among us and subtly control humanity, stories told from so many perspectives that you wont know which one is real one ... all is here. But most important thing is story of journey to self-knowledge, being able to let oneself to learn the truth and finally become one with oneself.

Interesting book, recommended to fans of SF weird tales and Philip K Dick in particular.