A review by book_busy
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro


Solid 3.6/5 if we're playing by Goodreads' rules seeing as I cannot in good confidence say I currently find I "really liked" this book. It felt like, and I've had this experience with the other 2 of Ishiguro's novels I read, we got into the meat of things far too late. I'm not saying I'm against building suspense but it felt like the actually interesting elements of the plot are left hanging for much too long before they're answered to the point where towards the end it just felt like a mad rush to tie up all the loose ends. AND YET things still felt unfinished. It almost felt like we ended where the story should have began and everything else could have been backstory revealed through exposition. A second point, I found I struggled to believe this character was a different character from the other characters I read in the other 2 Ishiguro books. Yes, the events described and the supposed attitude of Kathy is more sporadic but that doesn't really feel reflected in her internal monologue at all. All of the protagonists I've read so far sound like they share the same head. I don't know if Ishiguro has an obsession with people in servile roles but I personally didn't feel enough variation. It was a cute concept and it was competently executed but it didn't capture my heart, simply left me with the ingrained serotonin bump from finally completing it.

Rant over. Onto the next read.