A review by reading_rainy
The Secret Pearl by Mary Balogh


This story is quintessential early 90s historical romance. With the exception of the first chapter, that was shockingly graphic for this kind of story. I really adored this love story.

✔️A wounded veteran
✔️A woman forced to sell the only thing she has of value
✔️Forced proximity
✔️The best slow burn
✔️One of the best heroes
✔️A non-simpering heroine

Yes, this book does deal with cheating (not between the H/h), but please don't let that stop you from reading it. You'll understand once you get the entire picture. The angst, the guilt, the unrequited love, the murder mystery, the bitchy sick cheating wife, the asshole younger brother, and the virgin whore. It had everything! First published in 1991, there are parts that completely felt Austen-like in the BEST way. The pinky holding in the carriage?? Come on, I could feel the swoony from my comfy reading chair.

Unfortunately, I've become accustomed to modern romances, so there were large chunks of this story that felt incredibly dry and yawn inducing. Still, I wish modern romances had more of this kind of heart and passion. How many book boyfriends would wait a year for the woman they love? They be out nursing that wounded heart on a club bunny or some woman picked up at a bar until the love of their life came back again. Pffffffft!