A review by romankurys
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice


So this was one of the weirdest books I've ever read. It seemed extremely boring in the beginning and I was very close to just skipping. I'm very glad I didn't. Don't expect lots of action or edge of the seat type of writing here, nothing in this book is fast paced. And I mean nothing at all, some would even call it boring.
However...take into consideration a point of reference. This is a vampire telling a story, an immortal being to whom time is of little consequence and the book grows on you. With each page it grows on you, and where in the beginning it seemed obnoxious how "everything is beautiful" it starts to feel beautiful, and you want more and more of it.
The vivid descriptions the very, oh so very slow pace of it tells you how little time matters when you're immortal, sense of urgency dissapear and you just drift away imagining what it might be like, being a vampire. You start longing for that immortal feeling.

Now one thing that absolutely broke the spell and a sense of immersion, and also the reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is that I had to look up meaning of words pretty close to every single page. I didn't want to guess what it meant, I wanted to KNOW what it meant, but pulling up dictionary to look it up just breaks immersion for me. Good news is I have learned about 200 new words that I probably won't remember for long, bad news is, it would have been a 5 star.

If you're looking for a well written, meant for slow reading book: you found it!

If you want explosions and faced paced vampire action of 2015, keep on moving there is nothing here of interest for you.