A review by katemiller41
Death's Mistress by Terry Goodkind


Such a disappointment.

I am a sucker for Goodkind books. I read every single Sword of Truth book and fell in love with the characters, the faraway feel of the setting, and the intense action scenes.

This one however, was just disgusting. I had really high hopes, because I like Nicci. I thought it would be refreshing to get a story from her point of view, but the entire book just felt like a mess. The story was scattered and too long. The journey itself could have filled at least two books with more detail and time spent instead of being forced and rushed into one book. These people traveled by foot over their entire world, essentially, and it appeared as if they never broke a sweat, never encountered a struggle, or found any discomfort in the situation.

On top of the sloppy story line, there was a serious lack of respect for women. I have always really enjoyed Goodkinds books because he very rarely portrayed women as being in need of a man. In fact, most of the strongest characters (both mentally and magically) were women in the Sword of Truth books. While Nicci was her normally strong and kick-butt self, the men saw her as nothing more than a sexual figure. I came to expect some sexuality in Goodkind's books; that doesn't bother me. But, this book was...different. There were far too many references to the female anatomy than I felt was necessary. Breasts are a part of a woman's body, but why on earth did Goodkind feel the need to go into detail about their nipples?!?!

I guess I just felt like Goodkind didn't plan the plot out very well to begin with. And maybe he was playing to a certain demographic with the detailed descriptions of the women, and I just didn't fall into that demographic. This book was a total fail for me. I would consider trying a second book in this series because I've enjoyed his work before, but it would have to be exponentially better than this one; if not, I quit!