A review by bookfever
The Girl and Her Ren by Pepper Winters


My emotions are all over the place right now after reading and finishing The Girl and Her Ren. I definitely loved it more than the first book, The Boy and His Ribbon. If you have read that book and loved it, the second book will absolutely transcend it all. It was so much more of all the feels. But oh it was sad. So very sad. I still can't quite believe everything I read and the turn the story took. On the one hand I can't exactly say I'm happy with it but on the other I feel like it was worth it to read this beautiful story.

The story continued where the previous one ended where Ren had left Della because of their feelings for one another. Luckily it didn't take too long for Ren to get his shit together again and to realize he loves Della and return to her. After that they actually spend time together being happy. But eventually we start getting warning that this book might not have the greatest ending and if it does or not I won't say because I'm trying my best not to spoil this book but it's kind of hard.

I still can't say this duology is my personal favorite of all time by Pepper Winters but this was a very special story. And I do think it's one of her best ones. It wasn't just a coming of age romance for me, it was so much more. Somehow the two main characters, Della and Ren found their way into my hurt, causing me to be so affected by the whole story and especially the ending. Honestly I had expected this book to go in a whole different direction so I was definitely surprised by it all, which was actually a really good thing.

Even now as I'm writing this review I kind of want to cry because I just finished reading the book and it's all still pretty fresh in my mind. But I can't say enough how touching, heartbreaking and utterly beautiful this story was. I hope anyone who's planning on reading this book has tissues because you'll definitely need them.