A review by telescopewizard
Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee


my bleeding heart. im writhing, weeping, clutching the book to my chest, sickos_haha_yes.jpg, etc. 

i DO think i have to dock .5 bc the plot here is a little messier than the first two books -- i think in part bc of the longer timeline that it covers, and the way time progresses at diff rates in diff POV chapters? also idk if the editor was asleep on the job or if i'm stupid but there were like 5+ instances thru the book where i noticed a weird word or phrase that i couldn't interpret in any other way than as something from an earlier draft that should've been changed...?? or just like, a couple times i had to go back to check what someone said 15 chapters earlier bc current information seemed to contradict it? idk

BUT like overall obviously this series makes me foam at the mouth and this book in particular was made in a lab to hurt me and make me feel things, so the emotional gutpunch insanity of the whole thing made the other stuff feel less important. JEDAO ! 🐱

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