A review by franfernandezarce
Modernism: A Guide to European Literature 1890-1930 by James McFarlane, Malcolm Bradbury


fine, i didn't read the whole thing. but i can tell you that the chapters i did read... just told me some things i already knew, other which i didn't but could not find it useful at the moment, and some very scattered fragments that were actually helpful. it still incredibly eurocentric and believes that by discussing "russian literature" it's going outside the box--but it is a good starting point alongside [b:The Oxford English Literary History: The Modern Movement: 1910-1940: 1910-1940 - The Modern Movement v. 10|806790|The Oxford English Literary History The Modern Movement 1910-1940 1910-1940 - The Modern Movement v. 10|Chris Baldick|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1348827886l/806790._SY75_.jpg|792734]