A review by mells_view
These Violent Delights by Victoria Namkung


These Violent Delights is a poignant story of three women who were sexually assaulted in the past, by a well loved English professor from their all girls private school, Windemere. In the present they come forward with their stories. The stories are gripping, and a very REALISTIC look at how a predator seeks out, grooms, and abuses a victim. It's also an all too real story of the failures of our justice system. Victoria Namkung does a fantastic job combining relevant message with entertaining story.

This story as a whole highlights the failure of our culture surrounding sexual assault. The shaming and blaming of victims. Raising young women to think that being assaulted is ok or their fault. That being sexually assaulted is a shame they should keep private. It is an extremely relevant story, and I hate giving it less than five stars because of that, BUT even though this story was told in multiple POV's I never really felt connected to any of the characters. Even though each characters stories were extremely emotional, outside of them it was hard to connect.

Do I think this book is a game changer? Yes. I think young women/people should read this, because it could make them feel brave, and realize that they are not alone. I think they should read this because it could open up their eyes to what they may have been naive to before. I think that this book gives a reality that is hard, but is REAL.

This book may cause tears. It may cause anger. You may even feel happy. It's worth every emotion.

^Check out a fan edit I made on Instagram!

*ARC from NetGalley*