A review by melaninny
Steven Universe Vol. 1 by Jeremy Sorese


I was a bit disappointed in this one, though I'm not sure what I wanted out of it, exactly. I'm obsessed with the show, but the show's pacing is much better, interlaced with plot, nuance, and emotionality. This has a series of cute, slice-of-Steven-Universe-life stories, but doesn't illuminate much about the characters. It more plays off what we already know about them. Also, without the context of the show, I would be completely lost. It's probably meant as a companion to fans who are already tuned in to the show, but that does worry me. I don't want people who stumble across the comic first to be turned off because it was confusing!

For pros, all of the art in this volume is amazing, and it's beautifully printed. I don't regret owning it, but I'm not sure what it adds to the, er, universe of Steven Universe. I will probably check out the next volume to see what I think.