A review by cadiva
A.J.'s Angel by L.A. Witt


Oooh this one's a toughie to rate because one of the MCs was an utter dick in the past and, while this is a second chance romance, it doesn't have the same depth as a usual frenemies to lovers narrative would.

Luke was a serial cheater when he was with Seb but we only ever get the story from Seb's POV so Luke, even when he apologised, never gives an explanation.

I guess we're just supposed to assume he was young, selfish and an arse. The problem is that without the insight, and a full explanation, Seb just then comes across as a bit of a doormat, unable to resist the sex.

But, having said all of the above, LA does do enough to demonstrate that Luke is still in love with Seb and that he appreciates how much he screwed up. Still, even with the epilogue a year down the line, I'm not as sure as I'd like to an out the HEA.

#ARC kindly provided by the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.