A review by billblume
Secrets of the Sands by Leona Wisoker


I will preface this review by saying I know the author. I had the pleasure of meeting Leona at RavenCon many years ago where she massaged my cat (I promise, it's not as dirty as it sounds)... but I digress.

At the time, I did not even realize Leona was a writer. Years later, I learned of her book SECRET OF THE SANDS being published. Leona was then invited to speak at the James River Writers Conference with which I'm affiliated.

Since I knew I'd be moderating a panel with Leona as one of my speakers, I finally read the book. Reading a book by someone I know is always daunting. The fear is that I'll hate it (sad to say, this has happened to me in the past), and it creates a horribly awkward situation.

I quickly discovered I had no reason to worry with Leona. Her book is a great fantasy epic that stands apart from so many. She delivers a world with some uncommonly strong Arabian influences, and the way in which she leads the reader to understand the many foreign cultures is handled very well. Leona hits all the key points for a story of this scope with strong and likable characters, plus a very well-constructed plot. This book also stands on its own, despite being the first book in a series.

Just be warned, this is not a thin read. You're in for a hefty book, but this is more of a strength within the fantasy genre.