A review by laurenjodi
Snapped by Laura Griffin


5 Stars

In the aftermath of a campus shooting, Sophie Barrett realizes that she witnessed something that undermines the authorities' "lone gunman" premise. While investigators are skeptical about Sophie's claims, a skilled and determined killer is not, and she soon finds herself in the sights of a dangerous assassin.

Series note: Sophie and Jonah's story begins in the previous book, Unforgivable, as such it is recommended that the books be read in order.

Snapped is an excellent mix of romance and suspense. Sophie and Jonah's relationship is reminiscent of the pairing in Whisper of Warning, book #2 in Griffin's Glass Sisters series. Although not as brash as Courtney Glass, Sophie uses snark and insolence to conceal a deeper vulnerability and desire to feel safe and loved. Jonah, similar to Will Hodges, has a core of strength and integrity, and it is fun watching him come to terms with his feelings for Sophie. They have amazing chemistry, and their witty banter and bickering is highly entertaining.

The suspense plot is action-packed from the start as Sophie and Jonah are caught up in the events of the campus shooting and the subsequent investigation. The initial spree is nerve-racking as readers get an up-close view of events both from the perspective of the victims through Sophie and the police through Jonah. While Sophie is willfull and stubborn, she does manage to avoid being a completely TSTL heroine as she does possess some common sense and knows how to take care of herself.

All in all, this is the best installment in the series so far, and I look forward to reading more about the new characters introduced here in future books.