A review by b_readsromance
Zane by Nicole Edwards


Zane was freaking A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I had to start with that just get it to off my chest!

I was so excited to get to this book because of all the hype I had heard about it. Well it didn't disappoint. Knowing how Kaleb left off, I wasn't sure what to expect in Zane. I was very glad to see that he made it through the horrific beating and was recovering. I was sad to see that V was taking the blame for the event and therefore distancing herself from Zane because she thought that's what was best for him. V tried very hard to convince Zane and herself that what they had was "just sex" but even though they wouldn't come out and admit it they both knew better.

“Then what’s the problem?” He was getting irritated now. “Are you scared, V? Scared that fucking me might turn into something more?” Taunting her, he continued, “Scared that I might just be able to get past that impenetrable outer shell?”

Zane is drool worthy, with an extra side a smokin' hot Texas cowboy! I loved how for the most part he was open with his thoughts and feelings. V was very scared of becoming her mother. She didn't want the reputation her mother had and tried very hard to put up her walls to keep people out so that she couldn't hurt or disappoint them.

This story took a very HOT turn when Beau entered the scene! Wow, what to say about Beau? He is Zane's best friend, who he has shared many women with. He is a shy, super hot cowboy who is very open to trying new things.

The scenes with Zane and V were full of hot, beyond amazing sex but then you add in a dash of Beau and my Kindle almost caught fire! I needed AC and a cold shower stat!

Zane had some amazing turns that I never expected and kept me glued to my kindle, I read this in one sitting! Nicole Edwards is AMAZING! I am so glad that Zane and V got their HEA and can't wait to hear more about them in future books from this series.

"I love you Vanessa Carmichael. I love you with everything that I am."

I give this book 5 scorching hot stars!