A review by gossy
The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold


The books in this series continue to be nowhere near as compelling/moving as some of the author’s other works have been for me, but they’re still fun and interesting reads.

On the whole I liked this book as much as the previous two in the series; more on some fronts, less on other fronts, balanced out in the end.

Focusing on what stood out most… On the positive side, I might not have been compelled by the romance, but I was very solidly sold on the *partnership* between the main character and his love interest; I enjoyed it a lot. I also found the course of events more exciting than in Paladin of Souls.

On the negative side, I was more uncomfortable with the way disability was incorporated in this book than I have been in the author’s other works.

I think most of that is due to the perspective of the viewpoint character. The remainder… either Bujold made use of an unfortunate trope, tried and failed to subvert that trope, or successfully subverted it; I haven’t made up my mind just yet.