A review by kblincoln
Mistwood by Leah Cypess


A prince rides into the Mistwood and binds a magical creature to his service with a magical bracelet.

The Shifter has served the King for thousands of years, rooting out conspiracies, stopping assassins, protecting the throne.

But something happened to the last King, something that changed the Shifter forever.

Now both prince and Shifter are not what they seem. And the Shifter herself must decide where her true loyalties lie.

The story of the shifter is interesting, well-paced, and has a few characters (notably Ven the sorceror's apprentice and Clarisse, the prince's sister with secrets of her own, and a fierce personality not usually enountered in fantasy princessess) that felt vital to me.

However, whether it was due to the difficulty of identifying with a main character unsure of her own identity, or the tendency for long swaths of time to be summarized rather than shown to us (including the main relationship between the Shifter and Prince Rokan), I never found myself emotionally invested.

Overall a pleasant tale, but nothing that grabbed me.

This Book's Food Designation Rating: Peanut butter and jelly sandwhich on white bread for the wholesome sweetness of the story that never breaks out of a plain mold.