A review by 2jam4u
Wrong by Stella Rhys


Holy hot stepbrother batman!!!!

Honestly I started reading this book because I needed some stupid smut (don't we all at some point) and I was not disappointed! Seriously this book starts off with a filthy ass sex scene right away I'm takin first chapter, I was scandalized!!

Then out of nowhere they ruined the fun with an actual story-line and a real relationship! Actually it wasn't ruined it was great, but I did have some issues with it.

As we know I'm not a big fan of angst. Seriously I hate it. I'm depressed irl, I don't need a side of sad with my book escapism.

I avoid angst at all costs and usually turn away at the first sign of strife.

But this sneaky ass book presented the angst on a silver platter of "plot" and fucked me up before I even know what was going on! If there's anything I hate more than angst, it's sneaky ass angst!!!
The relationship between Sasha and Liam was really sweet and great, I absolutely loved it! TBH can you even call someone your step brother/sister when you're fully grown adults?? and met when you were older?? Seems silly to talk about how *taboo* it all was when they're adults and maybe lived under the same roof for a year. But that's just me.
The angst was completely surrounding their step-relationship and because Sasha was one of those girls who can just say "fuck it" and do whatever she wants, she was nervous about any repercussions from their relationship aka exhausting. Trust me, I understood why she did it
especially when you got into the abuse she suffered at the hands of her step-father and her fears of being a "serial offender"
, but I really felt for Liam because it was hurting him to be kept a secret. Especially since if she had just told everyone it wouldn't have been some great drama dragging on for months, and instead a quick surprise and some weird feelings from family members and then it's over like pulling off a bandaid!

If this book didn't have angsty meat as a plot this would have been a 5 star surprisingly amazing read, but alas, I cannot take the angst so it's down to a 4.

I definitely going to be checking out more books by Stella Rhys for sure though!