A review by kcfromaustcrime
The Roar of the Butterflies by Reginald Hill


The Joe Sixsmith series is much more light-hearted than Mr Hill's other, well known Dalziel and Pascoe series. Partly because Joe is a gifted amateur Private Investigator and partly because of Joe's own personality. He takes his responsibilities seriously, but he doesn't take himself all that seriously. Of course his Aunt Mirabelle and his girlfriend Beryl are always standing by, ready to shoot down any signs of Joe getting ahead of himself.

He is somewhat surprised though to find himself confronted by a YFG (Young Fair God). On a day when the heat is causing him to hallucinate anyway, the vision of Chris Porphyry and his posh car in Joe's office area is a bit of a surprise. That Chris could have been accused of cheating at golf is just a bit beyond the pale. And Joe is not the only person who thinks it's just not possible - most of the golf course staff and members seem to agree. Joe is hired by Chris to prove his innocence, and what Joe finds is some serious nefarious goings on in the great Royal Hoo Club of Luton.

A bit of fun, a bit tongue in cheek, the Joe Sixsmith series combines the lone PI with a heart of gold, with an investigation style that owes a lot more to persistence than might; a man content with his lot in life - which is being managed quite nicely by his girlfriend and his aunt.