A review by cozyreaderdevan77
Shadow Touched by Harper Wylde


Rating: 4.5/5
Spice: .5/5

This is exactly what I’ve been looking for in a reverse harem read. Oh my god I loved everything about it!!
There was so much plot mixed into the romance which I always need in my romances. With so many love interests I know that’s hard but this author definitely pulled it off. Not only that, but she the relationships are still forming themselves. They are aware they are mated but they are still taking the time to get to know each other on an emotional level too. It’s not just the physical attraction which I really applaud this author for.
Our main character is very likable. She has had so much thrown at her and it isn’t just breaking her down. For the first time in her life she feels like she belongs and will do anything in her power to learn her role and also keep her mates safe. I think all of her mate’s personalities are amazing and their questions or concerns about this whole thing are completely valid. However, they aren’t pushing Lorn away, which is another pet peeve I have with some books. They realize it does take time to accurately form a relationship even if you’re fated to be with someone.
The plot is a lot of fun! It’s easy to understand and definitely kept me guessing on a few things. The action is also something I find exciting to read about! All easy to understand.
I’ll be starting the next one right away! Need to get more answers and also see how these relationships get stronger!!!