A review by valecarol
Counting Down with You by Tashie Bhuiyan



If there is only one thing you take away from this book, let it be hope.

Sooo this book.

When i picked up this book i thought this was going to be my light reading, the chessy love story and the fake relationship that i needed to get a break from the bridgerton's series. I read a lot about this book in twt, goodreads and tiktok, everyone told me that this was their favorite read of the year and that Karina and Ace invented love (which they did tbh) but i wasn't expecting all the others stuff that came with it.

I was so shocked when i finished reading, that i told my mom basically the whole plot to have someone else to talk about it. I felt a little bit like Ace while reading this, bc i never experienced something similar to what Karina had to gone through and that's something that i love to find in books. Learn new things, understand situations that i may never experience, but it doesn't mean that aren't real.

"Life is hard because it is. There’s no easy answer. It’s just a matter of whether we’re willing to face the hardships."

There's so much to talk about Counting Down With You, but i'm not confident enough to express my thoughts without thinking to myself: "I´m going to mess up" so i'll try to keep it simple.

Every character in this book felt so real. They're young people, with problems, dreams and fears. A lot of flaws that, for me, make them come to life. I appreciate Karina's qualities the most, how she tried to overcome the expectations and rules that made her pretend to be someone she didn't want to be. And yes, she had a few short comings and went through aloooots of panic attacks, but i felt so proud everytime she achieved something. She didn't solve all the stuff that was wrong in her life but, to be honest, no one get their life together in one month. Karina has yet to go through a lot of things, but she doesn't need to rush.

Another thing that i LOVED in this books was to read about all the people who cherished and supported Karina. Her friends, some of her family members and Ace. They just wanted to see her happy with the life she deserved. It also give it a more of a realistic view into the book, even when we want to do things on our own, having someone to back you up, to support you and step up when you need it isn't cowardice or weakness. Why would we have friends and family if we didn't ask them for help sometimes?

"Always. It’s such a big word, with promises of so much more.
I don’t know about always, but I know about right now.
And right now, I know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than at this boy’s side."

Talking about support and unconditional love, Ace. Ace. Allister. This man just put my expectations on men waaay too high. And, a little place in my head keeps telling me that Ace should be the real standard 'cause, in reality, most of the things he did that make me fall in love with him should always be the bare minimun in a partner, like being understanding, respecting each others boundaries and not having fear to admit that you made something wrong and apologize. Those are the things that we all should be having when we get in a relationship, but it doesn't always happen. Karina found that in Ace. He's also funny, sweet (sometimes a little bit cringe with his pick up lines, except for that 1D one, that was the best) and was so full of love to her.

“Why? You already light up my world unlike anybody else,” Ace says, pulling back to brush my hair out of my eyes.
“Are you quoting One Direction?” I ask. Again, for the first time in weeks, I feel the urge to smile even though I can’t quite bring myself to actually do it.
“Yes,” he says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I absolutely am. It’s not my fault they wrote a song about you.”

It took me a while to finish Counting Down With You but i'm really happy that i read it. I don't thinks is my favorite book from 2021, but it definitely surpassed my expectations.