A review by ladyk23
This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work by Tiffany Jewell, Aurelia Durand


The last year has been a massive wake up call regarding how people of colour are both viewed and treated. And I say this fully realising that it hasn't just been the last year that POC have been mistreated, it's just that a long overdue light has very much been shone on this subject in the last year.

As I'm sure many other white people did last year, I realised it was time for change. I wanted to educate myself more, and in doing some research I came across this book. I knew it was aimed at school children/young adults but as someone else said below - I also figured that would make it a great place to start my journey of being anti-racist, and just generally be a good book to make sure that I had all of the basics down.

And honestly, I'm really glad I got this book. Because not only was there loads of history covered that I was not aware of, it was also informative in many other ways too. Of course it covers racism, but it's so much more than that. It has creative interactive parts that allow for the reader's personal growth in this topic, as well as allowing the reader to discover more about who they/we are, our prejudices and privileges. And ultimately, how we can become better allies and call out racism when we see it.

Because this book is aimed at children/young adults, it was also a really accessible introduction to this incredibly important topic. I still got a lot out of it as an adult, and it’s given me lots to think about and work towards in my own life.

Despite how long Goodreads says it took me to read - this is because I was reading other books last year and actually didn't properly start it until this year - at which point I breezed through it. It's a really quick and easy read, and one I'd highly recommend for anyone looking for a way into a topic like this.

It's also really aesthetically pleasing too. Bright and colourful images adorn the pages - obviously to aid the appeal to kids/teens, but as an adult it was really refreshing to see beautiful art like this within the pages of a book on such a sensitive topic.

Finally, as I know a few people in academia/education, I would also like to recommend you get this book for your school children, and also for your own children. And as another wise person suggested below - pass it around your classroom, the teacher's lounge, your home, and your community. Read it and share it with as many people as possible, but especially those who's education you are helping to shape. Books like this are really important for a better future.