A review by panda_incognito
The Art of Tangled by Jeff Kurtti


I enjoyed [b:The Art of Frozen:|18086739|The Art of Frozen (Frozen Book, Disney Books for Kids )|Charles Solomon|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1381751775l/18086739._SX50_.jpg|25399789] so much that I spent some of my Christmas gift card money on this book. I absolutely love it! The concept art is gorgeous, and I enjoyed learning more about how the creators of this movie designed its appearance and story structure. Also, even though I had forgotten that Tangled was Disney's fiftieth full-length animated movie, this book shares about how seriously the creators took that distinction and how much they drew inspiration from earlier movies in terms of color, shapes, and architectural design.

This book also brought back great memories for me. I did not grow up with Disney, but when I was a teenager, I watched some of the old movies on YouTube for the sake of cultural awareness. I disliked most of them, but I got such joy out of critiquing their gender stereotypes and social messages that I kept watching anyway. I bookmarked the Wikipedia page that listed all of Disney's existing animated movies so that I would know what to watch next, and I still remember seeing the very, very short page about Tangled for the first time. I thought that this future movie sounded unusually promising, and I checked back routinely to see updates on the page.

On the day that the teaser trailer came out, or at least very soon after, I watched it with my sister. We were both like, "Wow! This actually looks good!! Can you imagine?? What if Disney actually came out with something that we liked?" We watched every new trailer, followed movie news, watched bootlegged YouTube footage that somebody filmed in the theater, and then went to see the whole movie. I was a huge fan, talked about it all the time with my online friends, quoted the movie constantly with my family, and watched it again and again. Reading this book brought back my old feelings of enthusiasm, plus a jolt of nostalgia. This November will be Tangled's tenth anniversary, guys.

So, in other words, the creators' hopes and dreams came true. They made a modern classic, and just like their predecessors, they told a story that became part of the fabric of people's lives. They even won over people who had never liked Disney before! I appreciate all of their hard work, and I'm grateful for the glimpse that this book provides into the process.