A review by brisk28
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


I bought this book during the December sale from Book of the Month for $5. I was a little iffy about choosing this book out of their entire selection because I had read a lot of mediocre reviews; however, I’m glad I did for I enjoyed it immensely.

I will say that I don’t see a lot of reviews mentioning trigger warnings, but there are quite a few for sexual assault and suicide/murder. Despite that, I haven’t had a book keep me invested in so long, I almost forgot what it felt like to feel like I had no choice but to finish reading. This book is just so descriptive and atmospheric in most of the scenes, I literally did not want to put it down. It did take a little bit of time for it to finally pick up the pace, but I think it worked out nicely in the end. Beautifully disgusting is how I would describe this book.

5 stars