A review by kzimm2024
Good Neighbors: The Full Collection by Stephanie Burgis


Not bad- 3.5 and higher. Super low on the heat scale and surprisingly open to same sex relationships despite it's lack of heat. This author does not elaborate and would rather fade to end of scene.

I really enjoyed this world and the skills of the h (Mia) and H (Leander). Really creative MC's, crossing a Necromancer with a Fae metal welding/creating magic. Loved that scene that reminds me of Phoebe from "Friends" "My eyes, my eyes!".

Some parts were a little confusing and the backstory a little nebulous.
About 60%, it was weird that the author recounted some things that had already happened (like I hadn't just read it all)and I thought that was weird until I realized that this is a collection of short stories, so that may have been the junction between releases. Probably should be edited slightly for future for a more seamless story if the author intends to keep it as 1 story and not a collection of short stories.

A good reminder that "HOME" is where our heart is, with OUR people :)