A review by seclement
I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away by Bill Bryson


Bill Bryson is always entertaining, and this book did not disappoint. Perhaps I appreciate this more as an American expat who is baffled by my home country when I visit (though I have only been away 6 years...I can only imagine what it's like to return after 20!). There was a lot of laughing out loud, a lot of cute, curmudgeonly old man comments, and a whole lot of nodding of heads when I read this. It's a fun book that doesn't take long to read, and because it's written for a British audience, I actually think it's more honest than it would perhaps be otherwise. I'd recommend this book not just to fans of Bill Bryson, but to Americans who want to actually get a sneak peak into how peculiar the country can seem, even to an insider turned outsider.