A review by rustedpages
Meeting Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم by Omar Suleiman


On one occasion, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) arose from prostration in a weeping state. When angel Jibril was sent by Allah to see why he was crying, the Prophet PBUH said in response:
‘O Allah, my ummah, my ummah.’

On another occasion, while visiting graves he (PBUH) said: ‘I wish I could meet my brothers.’ Here, by brothers he meant ‘those who will believe in me despite not seeing me.’

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) once made dua for Hazrat Aisha (RA) by saying: ‘O Allah, forgive all of Aisha’s sins: the previous and the future ones, the secret ones and the future ones.’ About this very dua, he said: ‘I swear by Allah, this is the dua I make for my entire ummah in every single prayer.’

How our beloved Prophet cared and worried for us!

In Jannah, generations of his ummah will be able to drink directly from his blessed hands! Simply even longing for this moment is an act of worship.

Ya Allah! Allow us to love Your beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)! Allow us to follow in his footsteps and emulate the Prophetic characteristics! Allow us to long to be in his company in Jannah, and allow us to drink from his blessed hands in the eternity where there is only bliss.

May Allah bless Imam Omar Suleiman for this beautiful book.