A review by lolasreviews
Nuts About You by Kate Lowell


The moment I heard of this book I knew one day my curiosity was going to get the best of me and I would read this one. I mean it has a squirrel shifter! How cool is that? Then I saw this one during an instafreebie promo and snatched it up.

Nuts About You was a fun, short and hot novella. Calling it romance almost seems to be an overstatement as there is very little build-up, the two characters already have met each other and we only get to see the moment that changes into more. So when they admit their attraction and have sex. It's a pretty hot novella with plenty of sexy times. There is a bit of romance, but only a bit, as the focus is mostly on the attraction between these two.

And there is a bunch of nut word jokes. The title and series name already hint to it. There are a lot of nuts joke, but it was kinda funny without being over the top. Okay maybe it was a bit over the top, but it fit the book. I liked the whole squirrel shifter thing and there was this fun quote when Vince finds out Nathan is a squirrel and he is basically thinking Nathan got the short end of the stick by being a squirrel. But Nathan likes being a squirrel. I liked how the author tired to give Nathan a few squirrel traits even in his human form. He squeaked a few times, didn't like drama, liked nuts a lot and just seemed adorable.

I would've liked to learn a bit more about what being a shifter meant in this world, what else is out there, but like I said this was a short read. I think I read it in less than an hour. So there's little time to go much into depth about things. It was a fun read though and I am curious about where this series goes next. As far as I could tell Vince and Nathan seemed good for each other and they made a nice couple. Making sure they were on the same line and liked what they were doing. And there was this fun awkward scene when Vince figures out what Nathan is.

To summarize: I would recommend this to people looking for a quirky and hot romance novella with a squirrel shifter. This book was a fun read and I liked the concept of a squirrel shifter and how Nathan had some squirrel traits even in human form. This book was very short, so there wasn't much time to go into much depth about things. And much of this book was one long sex scene, but we still got a bit of a feel for the characters. There are a lot of nutty jokes, which fit the book. Overall this was just a fun read and I am glad I picked it up.