A review by acciodaydreamer
The Shadow Wand by Laurie Forest


Book 3 of The Black Witch Chronicles, in The Shadow Wand we see our beloved characters separated and scattered across Erthia to prepare for the upcoming war against the Gardnerians. Now confirmed to be The Black Witch from the Prophecy, Elloren must learn to control her immense terrifying power so she can help the Resistance. But will the Resistance allow her to? Or is she too big of a threat?

Out of all the books so far in the series, The Shadow Wand is my least favourite. I can why it was written the way it was; it builds suspense for the next book and provides us with additional background information regarding all the characters in the series. However, it did feel like a filler book with certain scenes and conflict being dragged out longer than I wanted.
I can see what Laurie was trying to achieve by showing us the POVs of the different characters. We got to see the different fractions in the war to come and how people were reacting to the impending doom. But…I just wanted to read Elloren’s POV. Some people’s POV, like Tristain’s, was interesting to read, but with others, I found myself skimming the chapters until I could get to Elloren’s. Also, I really wanted to see Rafe and Diana—it’s a shame we didn’t get their POV but I believe this was for a reason that we will see in the next book.
I really felt bad for Elloren. It seems like no one is on her side despite her trying to do her best to help the Resistance. I’m getting the vibes that she will turn evil because no one is giving her the chance to be good. I guess we shall see.
I enjoyed being back in The Black Witch world, even if The Shadow Wand wasn’t my favourite. Now I will try sate my cravings for the next book with other stories.