A review by msgtdameron
Cursed Days: Diary of a Revolution by Ivan Bunin


It is always good to read and understand the other side of any story. The Russian Revolution is one such story and Bunin's diary is a good place to start with that understanding. First one must remember that Bunin is one of the elite of Russia. He is privileged and he is an apologist for the Tsar and his family. His diaries read as such. The read of his diaries is easy and mostly light. Filled with rumors of victories and defeats of the Whites and the Red's. The edition I read was done by Thomas Marullo. Marullo does an excellent job of footnotes as to the actuality of Bunin's thoughts and hearing of the rumor mill. Each note is extensive and well researched. I would also recommend that you read Red Victory by Lincoln before you read Bunin's diary. Lincoln will give you an understanding of the Russian Revolution that the notes can not and that will allow a more critical look into Bunin's mind. All in all though Cursed Days is a good read.