A review by bookwyrm_lark
All Night Long by Jayne Ann Krentz


Not my absolute favorite of Krentz’s books, but solidly in the upper half. As a long-time Krentz fan, Irene and Luke felt familiar to me, not because she always writes the exact same characters (she doesn’t) but because her protagonists do tend to share certain general characteristics: both often have a quirk or a past that has made it difficult for them to sustain a relationship with someone else; both usually blend toughness or strength with vulnerability; they’re courageous, tenacious (or stubborn), and have a strong sense of justice or need for the truth. Irene and Luke fit those parameters, but they also have qualities that make them individual, from Irene’s careful self-control to Luke’s deceptively laid-back innkeeper persona. I would have liked more depth from the secondary characters, however.

I also enjoyed Luke’s and Irene’s relationship in this book, particularly as she comes to trust him. Even before that, you can practically see the sparks between them; it’s not a question of whether they will get together, but how, and how that will both change them and validate who they are.

The Northwest small-town setting works well, adding an atmosphere that is comforting and forbidding by turns as the mystery unfolds piece by piece. I didn’t anticipate the surprise toward the end, despite knowing that Krentz often adds unexpected twists to her plots.

The only thing I don’t like about All Night Long is the killer’s motive. It’s a topic I find difficult, not due to personal experience, but simply because it horrifies me. Unfortunately, I see no way to warn other readers with the same sensitivities without giving away a major plot point, so just be aware that while most readers will be fine, a small percentage may be uncomfortable or even triggered.

On the whole, if you enjoy thrillers and/or Jayne Ann Krentz, I recommend All Night Long. I’ve read it several times and will probably read it again, so despite my issues with the motive, I’ve clearly enjoyed the book.

Review originally published on The Bookwyrm's Hoard blog, July 30, 2018.