A review by bellebookcorner
A Light in the Sky by Shina Reynolds


What compelled me to read this book is the idea of Pegasus in the story!
If you like hidden identity, love triangle and secrets waiting to be revealed then you can give this one a try.

The plot is simple and action-packed. The writing style makes it easy to understand the flow of the plot.
There’s no info dumping at the start of the story as well which is really good. Even though sometimes I find the world building slightly confusing.

There’s a lot of mystery in this story, it keeps me flipping the pages to know the truth of what really happen, the true identity of our main character and also about the villain and what their goal is.

It took a while for me to warm up to Aluma (FMC), her character is a bit impulsive and I didn’t like some of the decision she made towards the ending. Hopefully she’ll grow more as the series progress.
I also like the secondary characters, especially Wolkenna. I hope we got to know more about her and others as well.

As for the romance, I was fine at the beginning with Aluma might be having feelings toward her best friends and I was excited to see how that relationship would developed as the story goes.
However, the new character in the middle of the story changes everything. Suddenly there’s a love triangle that I'm not a huge fan of. The interaction between Aluma and the love interests felt too rushed and there's no room for them to develop these feelings.

The ending really intrigued me and I’m curious to know where will their next adventure go - towards the unknown.

Overall, for a debut novel it’s pretty good. It has a potential to be a great series and I’m hoping some things got more developed as the story got deeper.
I'm looking forward to the sequel of this book!

Actual rating: 3.5⭐

I received this review copy for free through Netgalley, I am leaving this review voluntarily. Huge thank you to the Wink Road Press and the author.