A review by arguemore
Dark Awakening by Kendra Leigh Castle


I promised myself that I would never read another vampire novel in this lifetime but no, I read this and it is indeed one of the best vampire novels out there. I'm not being sarcastic. It's wonderfully written and I do not regret a single thing.

This novel presented a very fresh way of telling a vampire story. Smut + Egyptian Mythology + Vampires turned out to be a pretty cool equation after all. Nothing was left unresolved, thank God. And also, the heroine's pretty cool and she doesn't stand there helpless and actually does things even though some of them are unintentional but at least she does something.

I'm going to go way deeper here and say that this book is also socially insightful in a way because it sort of incorporates the social classes into its story line. It could be considered inspirational, what the characters have done... subverting the aristocratic paradigm and all that.

And don't get me started on Lily and Ty's chemistry. The sexual tension between them's so suffocating that them breaking it into coitus becomes a reprieve. And whenever they unite, it's really fantastically arousing. I assure you that.

I appreciate how it has a really intricate story line.