A review by cjyu
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink



Upon revision after two years, I realized that it was so unmemorable I forgot everything it was about. And I have a solid memory for most books I read. So I'm dropping the rating to two stars.


There was so much potential in this book that was wasted. Through out the book, I kept thinking how the book could've been cut down a bit more and added more action, mystery and suspense to intensify the plot, and the characters. Dear God. They are not like characters you want to like slap in the face... But they were so dull and flat, and cliche. I just could not believe this. And somehow, Helen just did not hit home with me. She irked me off at points. And then, the ending, I was like: THAT'S IT. WHAT. I can see this book spinning off into so much more, even potentially a series. I enjoyed the writing, but as you can see the plot was a bit to flat for my taste (because the idea could've been so much more intensified.) and the characters just did not work for me. At points, I agree with what my friend, Summer said that it reminds me so much of Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I mean, half humans/angels fighting demons in a underground society in Victorian London with a love triangle? THE INFERNAL DEVICES GUYS, not to mention the special weapons (which was another that irked me off cause they never really explained what it WAS.)

Well, I guess I should be kind of glad this is a standalone... But honestly it mighty have been better as a series.