A review by judyward
The Alto Wore Tweed by Mark Schweizer


This book about a detective (in a police force of three) and choirmaster of an Episcopal church, St. Barnabas, in a small moutain town near Boone, North Carolina. It is funny in a silly, silly way. I probably didn't get all of the musical jokes and it definitely helps to have had experience with an Episcopal church, the clergy--including a bishop or two--and the quirky characters that make up the congregation to fully appreciate the humor. Hayden Konig is a millionaire who has become a member of the police force as a second career and also serves as the organist and the choirmaster--one who keeps a loaded gun under the organ bench. I mean you never know what's going to happen during any given service. Much of the humor is directed toward women in the Episcopal Church--the new female priest, the members of the choir, members of the altar guild, and female worshipers. Although the author gets his digs in on the bishop too. I understand that this is the first of a series. I will definitely be checking out the rest of series in the near future. And maybe, just maybe, recommending this book to my Episcopal priest.