A review by bookph1le
The Wildling Sisters by Eve Chase


3.5 stars

First off, I really wish the prologue hadn't been included in this book because it made the events of later chapters way, way too obvious, which robbed the book of its more suspenseful elements. Since so much of it is moody and atmospheric, the give-away intro undermines the crafting of those later chapters. I so wish publishers would stop with the prologues already.

There was a lot I liked about this book. I was invested in both the present-day struggles of Jessie, who's trying to cobble together a home for her patchwork family, and the Wildes sisters' past. Both sides of the story were vivid to me, and though I did sometimes get impatient with Jessie, who is kind of pathetic at times, her story still felt very heartfelt to me.

However, I'm not sure the stories meshed together too well. The ending felt anticlimactic, like, "Welp, time to wrap this whole package up with string and all". I especially wasn't fond of the last chapter, which maybe felt more drawn-out than it needed to be.

This is what kept the book from being a solid four stars for me. There's a lot to admire in it, but overall it's kind of ragged and uneven.