A review by nglofile
Walt by Russell Wangersky


This is an insidiously creepy read, and it works especially well for most of the narrative. The author keeps us off-balance enough that we're not certain whether Walt is a merely a socially awkward sad sack who eventually crosses boundaries or if there is something much darker at work.

The best parts are Walt's analysis of discarded grocery lists. What he can puzzle out from what is bought and the various papers on which lists are written shows just how many clues we leave about ourselves if we aren't paying attention -- and more disturbingly what can be done with that information by social media searches or 'casual' following or even by being careless with an envelope. His deductions are reasonable, which makes them all the more chilling.

Chapters with the detectives offered contrast, but their leap from disinterested to highly suspicious didn't quite feel earned. I was much more invested in the story until the final quarter, when it felt a bit rushed-to-the-end without the high tension of a standard suspense or thriller. Recommended for those who appreciate narrative technique and subtle character work, less so for those looking for outright adrenaline stories.