A review by theportalmaster
Empress of the Night: A Novel of Catherine the Great by Eva Stachniak


I finished [b:Empress of the Night: A Novel of Catherine the Great|18142371|Empress of the Night A Novel of Catherine the Great|Eva Stachniak|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1376337192s/18142371.jpg|21873647] yesterday, but wasn't ready to rate or write a review about it, neither did I have time to do it anyway.

My copy of this book starts with a quote written to me by my grandmother: "When I gave you your first book, I also told you something. If you want to live a happy life, you got to read lots of books. I'm glad you remember". Why am I writing this? Well, to show you that I'll be good to this book, despite all the flaws it had.

When I saw what it was about, I was thrilled. I love reading about strong women in history, the great ones who changed something in the world. Yekaterina Alexeevna, how amazing is that?! The title, the cover, the theme... Everything had my name on it.

It took me a lot of time to read this, almost a month. So I have to say that this is one of those books you have to read fast, because if you skip one day, you might need time to focus on it again.

The writting was shallow and economical. It had really short sentences, which lead to no emotions.

The plot was boring and repetitive. This certantly wasn't the way to describe a woman as great as her. The book was focused only on her lovers, while the influence she had in arts, the politics she followed didn't get much attention or got no attention at all. In my opinion, most of her greatness was ignored.

Why are we walking?
Because we have to move.
If we stop, we die.

The last few pages were interesting. There once again we get a quick look over the characters' personalities. And they made me feel sad for finishing this book that I was eager to finish.

The living always got to say the last words.

I wouldn't recommend this for the people who are looking for a book who shows the great life and politics of Catherine, but to those who want to catch only a glimpse of it.