A review by yapha
Going Viral: A Socially Distant Love Story by Katie Cicatelli-Kuc


Taking place in the first few months of the "Safer at Home" time period, this novel captures the mixed emotions of the beginning of lockdown. Claire is in the spring of her junior year when they are sent home for the two weeks that we all know stretched into a year. Stuck in an apartment with her parents, separated from her friends, her girlfriend, her school except for screens, she grows increasingly anxious about what the future holds. When she sees an unfamiliar girl on the fire escape across the way, she begins to post about her online. Her posts gain traction and she has to deal with the demands of her readers as well. This is only the second book I've read taking place during our current pandemic. It is exceptionally well done, capturing the range of reactions and emotions in the early months. Recommended for grades 7 & up.

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