A review by debtat2
Hangman by Daniel Cole


This is the second book in the Detective William Fawkes series and it brings us back to some familiar names and a host of new ones. Baxter is back and as charming as ever!

Although it’s not imperative to have read the first book “Ragdoll” to enjoy this one I would strongly recommend that you do to fully appreciate the continuing storyline. There is enough detail in this one to get you through but you would be missing out on a really great start to this series. As well as the answer to a major question, Who is William Fawkes?!

I absolutely loved Ragdoll so I had extremely high hopes for this one and it certainly didn’t disappoint, if anything I think Hangman is the more superior of the two. More standout characters, more action and a lot more dead bodies!

Set between New York and London Baxter is called to different crime scenes in different countries with very distinct ties, on the chest of the seemingly unrelated victims is the word Bait carved into the skin and on the chests of the killers, the word Puppet has been cut into their flesh.

As the body count grows and the brutality of each crime scene escalates it is almost impossible to figure out where the story is headed next. Can it all be the work of one perpetrator pulling all the strings or is it the works of a cult? Serial killer or terrorist? As for the who and they why, that finally drops into place but not until the closing chapters of the book and even though a lot of questions finally get answered it also leaves some pretty big unanswered ones!

I just hope that Mr Cole writes extremely quick because waiting even a few weeks to find out what happens next is going to be to long a wait!

Ragdoll is out now so go grab a copy and prepare yourself for this must read of 2018 – Hangman.