A review by zanzarr
Crashed by Robin Wasserman


I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I picked up this book, but I now know that it was one helluva good time.

I read the first book, SKINNED, and was left with lingering thoughts of Lia, Jude, and Auden for days on end. But then, as time went on and I read other really great books, I forgot about SKINNED and the world Robin Wasserman so skillfully brought to life. I forgot about how anxious I'd been to read CRASHED, but once I started, from the very page, from the very first sentence, I was reminded. And this time I won't forget. CRASHED is probably one of the best books I've ever read...It'd definitely make the top fifty. That's saying something...I've read a lot a books and I don't usually dole out praise for just any book, written in just any kind of way. Anyway, this is a must read. So read it.